English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "an kunna" shine sanya wani abu mai aiki ko aiki. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa tsarin fara amsawa ko tsari ta hanyar ƙara mai kara kuzari ko kunnawa. A cikin mahallin fasaha, "an kunna" sau da yawa yana nufin kunna ko kunna fasalin na'ura ko software. Bugu da ƙari, "an kunna" na iya kwatanta mutumin da ya sami kuzari, kuzari, ko tsunduma cikin wani aiki ko sanadi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Hands shaking, I punched in the top number on the sheet, then I activated the speakerphone feature and set it on the counter.
  2. The ancient warrior stood before them, fully activated.
  3. As she sped along the freeway, she activated her portable Bluetooth on the sun visor and clicked the mobile into its hands-free cradle.
  4. I threw a summoned stone over the railing and activated it.
  5. Grabbing it, I activated the dragon stone and immediately prepared to cast my illusion spell.
  6. When it activated, a calvini fifteen feet away hissed at the fire and flew away.
  7. Kade heard the alarms ring out and felt the cool spray of the sprinkler systems as they were activated from the heat of the fire.
  8. He took me into his office, and I activated the program.
  9. We will attach remotely activated Zyklon B canisters inside the air intake for each unit and attach the hose to the heating and air conditioning port connector on each aircraft.
  10. A warrior born with special talents grows up, is fully activated, and chooses a side, The Amartus or the Rageto.