English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "aiki" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma wasu ma'anar ma'anar ita ce: Tsarin yin wani abu, musamman don cimma wata manufa ko sakamako. Wani abu da aka yi, kamar aiki ko cikawa. Motsawa ko ayyukan wani abu, kamar na'ura ko na'ura. misalan hanyoyi daban-daban da za a iya ayyana “aiki”. Ƙayyadaddun ma'anar kalmar zai dogara ne akan takamaiman mahallin da ake amfani da shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. I wanted to yell how stupid that action was, but I was too busy sidestepping a dead rat.
  2. Josh was about to spring into action when he noticed Silas next to the girl.
  3. But Alber and Jeth had both poked their heads out of their rooms, wanting to hear the action.
  4. Ms Weston stepped back to let the guards take care of it and beckoned to me before I could jump into the action again.
  5. As luck would have it, he got his chance to observe Burl in action later that day.
  6. Once seated behind the steering wheel I can only think of one course of action.
  7. I managed to rouse myself when the food arrived, the TV playing some old action flick in the background.
  8. The last time I checked, the Board of Trustees was meeting with the new president to determine whether there would be any formal action taken against Coach Oliver for his role in hiding information and misleading Braxton during discussions with the Major League Baseball scout.
  9. As it is I stare into the void of the day, unsure of my next course of action.
  10. Evan surged into action, ripping his sword from its sheath and plunging into their midst, whilst simultaneously flicking the switch to make Ruaden morph from a dagger into a sword.