English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "aiki" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga 'yan ma'anoni gama gari: Noun: a) Wasan kwaikwayo guda ɗaya ko gabatarwa, yawanci a cikin wasan kwaikwayo, fim, ko wasu ƙira na fasaha. b) Doka ko doka da wata hukuma ta kafa. c) Aiki ko aiki, musamman wanda aka yi da gangan ko da gangan. a) Don aiwatar da takamaiman aiki ko nuna hali ta wata hanya. b) Yin riya ko riya. c) Daukar mataki ko matakai domin cimma wani abu. a) ACT: Gwajin Kwalejin Amurka, daidaitaccen gwajin da aka yi amfani da shi don shiga kwaleji a Amurka. b) ACT: Babban Birnin Australiya, yanki a Ostiraliya.Don Allah a lura cewa waɗannan ƴan ma'anoni ne na gama-gari, kuma kalmar "aiki" na iya samun ƙarin ma'anoni a cikin takamaiman mahallin.

Sentence Examples

  1. When I have free time I plan to act the travel writer in my new home.
  2. Yet as repulsive as it was, it was nothing to the unspeakable revulsion with which she thought of the elaborate act she would have to carry on with Lach if she stayed.
  3. All my life premonitions had commanded me to act instantly and save someone.
  4. She was genuinely surprised and outraged at the sight of those crucifixes but maybe that was just an act.
  5. If he did commit suicide, I need to know why, when he gave every indication that he would never have even contemplated such an act.
  6. Even Stephanie and Joe get into the act, rambling on about their last trip to Europe and what they had to eat on a barge ride through the Loire Valley.
  7. Performing the deshya with a partner was an intimate act, which was why parents taught it to their children as a bonding exercise.
  8. In conjunction with other magic-based substances, it could act as an energy source.
  9. Had he been putting on the serious-questioner act the whole time?
  10. But when one of them dies of an apparent heart attack in the middle of second act, Nana D asks Kellan to investigate.

TV Series Examples



don't act like fools.



Arya would rather act