English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "an yarda" ana gane ko karɓa ko'ina, yawanci sakamakon wani tsari na hukuma ko na hukuma na tabbatarwa ko ganewa. Hakanan yana iya nufin cewa an shigar da wani abu ko an gane shi a matsayin gaskiya ko ingantacce. Ana amfani da shi sau da yawa don komawa ga mutumin da aka amince da shi a bainar jama'a saboda nasarorin da ya samu ko gwaninta a wani fanni. Gabaɗaya, kalmar “ƙaddara” tana nuna cewa an gane wani abu ko wani a hukumance ko kuma an karɓa ta wata hanya.

Sentence Examples

  1. The doctor acknowledged with a smile and thumbs up.
  2. Every day he hanged a man, impaled one, cut off the ears of another and all with so little provocation, or so entirely without any, that the Turks acknowledged he did it merely for the sake of doing it, and because he was by nature murderously disposed towards the whole human race.
  3. As Burl turned back to Moiria, Flim acknowledged Kila with a brief nod.
  4. Mary only had time for her boyfriend and had barely acknowledged Brooke in weeks.
  5. He recognized his attraction to her for what it was, had acknowledged that he was far more attracted to her than he had ever been to another woman, but he was also confused.
  6. After a lawsuit Coach Oliver had been in the middle of, the chief of staff issued an internal memo notifying everyone if they initiated a relationship with a colleague who met a few of the criteria in the revised policy, there was an obligation to ensure it was formally acknowledged by the school to protect everyone involved.
  7. On reaching the gates of the town, which was a walled one, the municipality came forth to meet him, the bells rang out a peal, and the inhabitants showed every sign of general satisfaction and with great pomp they conducted him to the principal church to give thanks to God, and then with burlesque ceremonies they presented him with the keys of the town, and acknowledged him as perpetual governor of the island of Barataria.
  8. With a lot of hand rolling and a showy bow, Ash acknowledged all of us on the couches.
  9. And if my good intentions deserve to be acknowledged with any kind of courtesy, I entreat you, señor, by that which I perceive you possess in so high a degree, and likewise conjure you by whatever you love or have loved best in life, to tell me who you are and the cause that has brought you to live or die in these solitudes like a brute beast, dwelling among them in a manner so foreign to your condition as your garb and appearance show.
  10. Silently, I acknowledged my mother for passing her gardening knowledge on to me.