English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "makwanci" shine aikin samar da wurin zama, zama, ko aiki a ciki. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga sararin samaniya ko masauki da kansa wanda aka tanadar don wannan dalili. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya nufin daidaitawa ko daidaitawa don biyan buƙatu ko zaɓin wani ko wani abu. Misali, yana iya nufin yin canje-canje ga jadawali ko shirin da zai dace da bukatun wani, ko yin canjin jiki zuwa sararin samaniya don sa ya fi dacewa ko isa ga wata manufa ko mutum.

Sentence Examples

  1. Jake booked his ticket and accommodation online then went downstairs to inform Gwen of his plans.
  2. He wished the road might be impassable, that he might be able to keep them all at Randalls and with the utmost good-will was sure that accommodation might be found for every body, calling on his wife to agree with him, that with a little contrivance, every body might be lodged, which she hardly knew how to do, from the consciousness of there being but two spare rooms in the house.
  3. It was like a university, so probably campus accommodation.
  4. And, in short, from knowing his usual ways, I am very much inclined to think that it was for their accommodation the carriage was used at all.
  5. Loath to disturb the churchwarden, he decided to seek accommodation in the village and come back later to attend the service.
  6. Though I suffer in many ways for my craft, I freely admit accommodation is not one of them.
  7. The woven and mud daubed accommodation did not compare favourably with the stone, gilded rooms of the palace.
  8. I wonder whether I might call at your accommodation.
  9. After just another five minutes on foot appeared the Wolds Village, containing much more than his accommodation.
  10. The unseen presence continued to dog his steps right up to the front door of his accommodation.