English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "karba" ita ce karɓa ko ɗaukar wani abu da son rai wanda aka miƙa, gaskatawa ko gane gaskiya ne, yarda ko yarda da wani abu, ko ɗaukar nauyin wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. There were the apologies and the woman offered to pay for the damage, but of course it was an accident and Celestino refused to accept recompense.
  2. Eleanor and Maggie agreed they were friends first, and if Connor wanted to take them both on dates, they could accept it in the short term.
  3. Accept what happened as part of a wacky, stress-induced hallucination.
  4. I crossed the car park to my vehicle, and hit the touch screen to accept the call.
  5. These hardened men, with their faces hidden by the mandatory respirators, would accept no compromise in the order they demanded.
  6. We would be pleased to accept your gift and look forward to your visit soon.
  7. She never spoke about how hard it must have been to accept that.
  8. Neither of them could change what they were, so they just had to accept it.
  9. Perhaps you will never be able to accept that someone would be so selfish as to take their own life, despite all your personal evidence to the contrary.
  10. Kathy and Pilar, both close to Celestino and young mothers themselves, offered support, but it took me a great deal of courage to accept it.

TV Series Examples



Today l shall accept oaths of fealty



Do you accept my proposal?