English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "acceleration" ita ce ƙimar da abu ke canza saurinsa a kan lokaci. Yana da adadin vector, wanda ke nufin yana da duka girma (girman) da shugabanci. Ana auna hanzari a cikin raka'a tsayin kowane lokaci murabba'i, kamar mita a kowane murabba'i na biyu (m/s²) ko ƙafafu a cikin murabba'i na biyu (ft/s²).A kimiyyar lissafi, an ayyana hanzari a matsayin ƙimar ƙimar canjin gudu, wanda ke nufin cewa abu yana hanzari idan saurinsa yana canzawa, ko dai ta hanyar karuwa ko rage gudu ko canza alkibla. Acceleration na iya zama tabbatacce (lokacin da abu ke yin sauri), ko rashin hankali (lokacin da yake raguwa), ko sifili (lokacin da saurin sa ya kasance akai).

Sentence Examples

  1. The sensation of rapid acceleration is suddenly replaced by an eerie feeling of absolute calm.
  2. Pressed into the seat by the breathtaking acceleration of the jet, Celia felt a great sense of exhilaration gripping every fibre of her tense body.
  3. I did not at first know what to make of this extraordinary phenomenon not being able to believe that my rate of ascent had, of a sudden, met with so prodigious an acceleration.
  4. The internal command produced a less-than-impressive reaction, more ragged stumbling than straight-line acceleration.
  5. She felt a moment of acceleration toward the floor, and that was it.
  6. It was designed as a shock absorber for the rapid acceleration on this side of the portal and the fast braking on the other side of the portal.
  7. The force of the acceleration almost tossed Arija from her stool.
  8. Back pressed into the seat by the acceleration, James saw a light streak in the sky.
  9. The left operator was in charge of altitude control, while the right operator handled acceleration.
  10. The battery was gunned for as much acceleration as could be mustered.