English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "accelerated" ita ce ƙara sauri ko ƙima, motsawa ko haifar da sauri, ko gaggawar ci gaba ko haɓaka wani abu. Ayyukan gaggawa ne na tsari, aiki ko girma. Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da kalmar a fagen kimiyya, fasaha da ilimi, inda ake nufi da haɓaka saurin tsari ko kuma saurin koyo.

Sentence Examples

  1. He accelerated toward the woman, lowering his shoulder, hoping to knock her over once again.
  2. As he pulled back out onto the interstate and accelerated, he began to talk out loud.
  3. We spun away from the curb and accelerated through the next intersection.
  4. My heart beat accelerated, and I smacked my lips together.
  5. It turned into the courtyard and accelerated around the monument.
  6. They accelerated, the sound echoing from the empty seats and decks.
  7. Lance accelerated, running as fast as his aching feet would allow.
  8. The accelerated rate of ascent thus obtained, carried me too rapidly, and without sufficient gradation, into a highly rarefied stratum of the atmosphere, and the result had nearly proved fatal to my expedition and to myself.
  9. He accelerated, nearly knocking me off backwards, and I had a strong feeling it was deliberate.
  10. One of the trucks following them, now visible through the passenger side window, accelerated toward them.