English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rami" wani ƙasƙanci ne mai zurfi ko kamar maras tushe, kwazazzabo, ko maras kyau, galibi ana amfani da shi a alamance don siffanta wani abu mai zurfi mai zurfi ko wanda ba a iya ganewa ba, kamar rami na hankali ko na ɗabi'a. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani yanayi na bala'i ko yanayin rashin bege ko yanke kauna.


  1. abysm

Sentence Examples

  1. Down he flew, faster than his earlier run, faster and faster and faster, and then he was up, up, up and out over the abyss.
  2. But once the key turned, we were immediately engulfed into the black abyss.
  3. The long black Hummer swung partway out above the freeway, its front end still on the roadway, but its rear teetering dangerously over the abyss.
  4. The assault continued to increase in intensity until Kayla finally closed herself off in the dark abyss of her mind.
  5. Kallan had already descended into the abyss within that she had made for herself.
  6. His body oozed blood as it descended into an abyss.
  7. We are surely doomed to hover continually upon the brink of Eternity, without taking a final plunge into the abyss.
  8. From the rock of Gibraltar, now dwindled into a dim speck, the dark Mediterranean sea, dotted with shining islands as the heaven is dotted with stars, spread itself out to the eastward as far as my vision extended, until its entire mass of waters seemed at length to tumble headlong over the abyss of the horizon, and I found myself listening on tiptoe for the echoes of the mighty cataract.
  9. The elevator doors closed, and Harry felt left in the abyss.
  10. Images of me dragging the both of us over the edge and into the abyss floated to mind, and I shook my head more vigorously than before.