English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zagi" ita ce "haɗawa ko siffanta ta da mugun nufi ko tashin hankali, kalaman batanci, ko ɗabi'ar da aka yi nufin cutar da wani." Hakanan yana iya komawa ga harshe ko ɗabi'a da ke da matuƙar mahimmanci ko mai tsauri, ko kuma ya saba wa ƙa'idodin zamantakewa ko ƙa'idodin ɗabi'a. Gabaɗaya,

Sentence Examples

  1. I got the sense that her parental guardians were not abusive, simply strict, so I imagined Ghevont would have been better off sending the child back to her rightful parents after finding her.
  2. We never talked about what happened behind closed doors with our abusive mother.
  3. Harting was abusive in efforts to shake loose bona fide evidence against Kennard.
  4. But after Richard became an abusive, violent spouse, she wanted to get back to Earth and leave it all behind.
  5. Richard took her from her family and became abusive when the honeymoon period of their life had ended.
  6. They could be as verbally brash and filthy as the men, but they were not physically abusive to me and a few even had the capacity to act with kindness.
  7. They take me through the back door and into what I now know is the holding room for any drunk or abusive clients.
  8. He was a violent, abusive drunk, and my mom was a drunk too, but she was quieter about it.
  9. Limited choices and often abusive or neglectful home lives forced hundreds, if not thousands of children, into the streets to join gangs, turn tricks, do drugs, sell drugs, drop out of school, get arrested and sent to prison for life, and in all ways subjugate their goodness in the name of survival.
  10. Stork moved around at the front in his rant and let a few choice and abusive words fly for everyone to hear including Lyall.