English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "zagi" ita ce amfani da wani abu ta hanyar da ba ta dace ba, ko kuma a zalunce mutum ko rashin adalci. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga rashin amfani ko yawan amfani da wani abu, kamar kwayoyi ko barasa. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya bayyana amfani da harshe ko ɗabi'a ga wani, ko rashin dacewa ko amfani da iko ko hukuma.

Sentence Examples

  1. For those cast off and unwanted kids, for those ex-gang members who sought a better life, for those abused and beaten and berated by their families, this was a night like no other, a night where they finally felt special, needed, and important.
  2. I had read his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, and felt the pain lying within those distorted water crystals appearing like an abused child, plus learned more in the documentary on physics and the spiritual world, What the Bleep Do We Know.
  3. Historian claims the ancient Indian spring was graced with markings that vandals abused in the late 1800s.
  4. Lying on the cold ground again, Sam rubbed at his abused temples.
  5. Altisidora, to all appearance, loved me truly she gave me the three kerchiefs thou knowest of she wept at my departure, she cursed me, she abused me, casting shame to the winds she bewailed herself in public all signs that she adored me for the wrath of lovers always ends in curses.
  6. He thought it was about a man who had been their king, but had abused them so much that they rose up against him.
  7. It has been the most freely used and the most freely abused of all the translations.
  8. As much as her attitude annoyed me, I enjoyed being abused in a humorous sort of way.
  9. Gasping in pain from his abused ribs, he emerged to find himself face to face with a huge black wolf, its teeth bared and its dulling, yellow eyes staring into his.
  10. I have perused several books of travels with great delight in my younger days but having since gone over most parts of the globe, and been able to contradict many fabulous accounts from my own observation, it has given me a great disgust against this part of reading, and some indignation to see the credulity of mankind so impudently abused.