English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sha" ita ce ɗauka ko jiƙa wani abu, kuzari, ko bayanai. Hakanan yana iya nufin shiga gaba ɗaya ko shagaltar da hankalin mutum, haɗawa ko haɗa wani abu, ko jurewa ko jure wani abu. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya komawa ga tsarin da babbar ƙungiya ta ɗauka, kamar ƙaramin kamfani wanda babban kamfani ya mamaye shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. My eyes remain closed as I absorb this unexpected and cheerful energy.
  2. He took a deep breath, letting himself absorb the comfort of the familiar space he once called home, and still did, in some fashion.
  3. Rune braced to accepted the hit and absorb her Seidr while the Beast roared hungrily in anticipation.
  4. But he had practiced with other boys enough to know to try to absorb the impact.
  5. She must have used something else to absorb the backlash.
  6. Jeth was trading blows with another dreyvern, using the massive backpack to absorb its knife strikes, while Alber and Skyla took on another pair of them.
  7. The game fascinated him so much that he feared it could, as it had so many others, totally absorb him, and take over his life.
  8. That she could absorb any magic, including antimagic, unlike anyone else on Earth.
  9. I pressed my mouth into the log and allowed the spongy lichen to absorb my cries of horror.
  10. No one was supposed to absorb so much magic energy.