English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sama" ita ce: A ko zuwa wani wuri ko matsayi mafi girma fiye da wani abu dabam. Misali: Tsuntsu ya tashi sama da gizagizai. Misali: Albashin da aka bayar don sabon aikin ya fi yadda take tsammani. wuce wani abu. Misali: Matsayin amo ya wuce iyakar doka. An ambata a baya a cikin rubutu ko magana. Misali: Kamar yadda aka ambata a sama, kamfanin yana shirin ƙaddamar da sabon samfur. A saman; mafi girma a matsayi ko matsayi fiye da wani abu. Misali: Littafin yana sama da sauran abubuwan da ke kan shiryayye.

Sentence Examples

  1. He gasped as a giant scroll materialised above his cabinet.
  2. Moments later, she realised giant mushrooms stood high above too and that many of the mushroom spots and tree leaves were glowing in the dark.
  3. The twin balls of fire were rising above the forest, their light staining the treetops.
  4. As I shut the door, the bell clanged above me, and she came running over.
  5. The Alliance prized confidentiality above everything else.
  6. Two of the only furnishings were the paintings above his bed.
  7. There was a gold ring in his nose, another in his eyebrow and three in each pointed ear that stuck out above his bald head.
  8. The tops of the glimmering spires were so high they appeared to pierce the star strewn sky above.
  9. I flew lopsidedly above the crowded roads, like a particularly ungraceful bird.
  10. He resembled a human, but with tough grey skin and three small silver nodules above each eyebrow.

TV Series Examples



with the sun and the clouds above her.