English to gujarati meaning of

શબ્દ "અધોગતિ" શબ્દનો શબ્દકોશ અર્થ ગુણવત્તા અથવા મૂલ્યમાં ઘટાડો કરવાની ક્રિયા અથવા પદ, દરજ્જો અથવા સ્થિતિમાં ઘટાડો થવાની સ્થિતિ છે. તે તોડવાની અથવા વિઘટન કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા અથવા કોઈને અપમાનિત કરવા અથવા તેની સાથે વર્તવાની ક્રિયાનો પણ ઉલ્લેખ કરી શકે છે.


  1. debasement

Sentence Examples

  1. The astounding progress of man on the one hand, and the astonishing degradation of human life on the other confounded him.
  2. However great their intellectual degradation, the Eloi had kept too much of the human form not to claim my sympathy, and to make me perforce a sharer in their degradation and their Fear.
  3. Look not behind thee, then, at its unavoidable degradation but take courage, ply thy legs with vigor, and scud for the hippodrome!
  4. The countenance of Hawkeye was haggard and careworn, and his air dejected, as though he felt the deepest degradation at having fallen into the power of his enemies.
  5. They had long life spans, at the theoretical limit of telomere degradation and cell division.
  6. She would endure this degradation if it meant that a life would be spared.
  7. Your country, admirable in its rebellious infancy, is a mere shell of its former strength, a spiral of national and cultural degradation.
  8. He found the count standing before some copies of Albano and Fattore that had been passed off to the banker as originals but which, mere copies as they were, seemed to feel their degradation in being brought into juxtaposition with the gaudy colors that covered the ceiling.