English to gujarati meaning of

કોન્સ્યુલેટ શબ્દનો શબ્દકોશ અર્થ એ છે કે સરકારી કચેરી અથવા કોન્સ્યુલનું નિવાસસ્થાન, જે વિદેશી શહેરમાં રહેવા અને ત્યાંના સરકારના નાગરિકો અને હિતોનું રક્ષણ કરવા અને પ્રોત્સાહન આપવા માટે સરકાર દ્વારા નિયુક્ત કરાયેલ અધિકારી છે. તે તે સમયગાળાને પણ સંદર્ભિત કરી શકે છે જે દરમિયાન કોન્સ્યુલ ઓફિસ ધરાવે છે, અથવા બિલ્ડિંગ અથવા પરિસરમાં જ્યાં કોન્સ્યુલ તેની અથવા તેણીની ફરજો કરે છે.

Sentence Examples

  1. She guided us to the British Consulate in Bilboa, before making her way back to Belgium.
  2. We would do nothing except tell the British consulate, and they would work with the local authorities, although if we knew the nationality of the other people in that jungle prison, we could advise those countries to add their weight.
  3. I logged-on to the super-slow internet and brought up the British consulate in Hanoi.
  4. Fogg, whom he expected to meet again during the day, had repaired at once to the English consulate, where he at last found the warrant of arrest.
  5. The same formalities having been gone through at the French consulate, and the palanquin having stopped at the hotel for the luggage, which had been sent back there, they returned to the wharf.
  6. Presently one of the passengers, after vigorously pushing his way through the importunate crowd of porters, came up to him and politely asked if he could point out the English consulate, at the same time showing a passport which he wished to have visaed.
  7. Passepartout and he had now reached the shop, where Fix left his companion to make his purchases, after recommending him not to miss the steamer, and hurried back to the consulate.
  8. Fogg, after leaving the consulate, repaired to the quay, gave some orders to Passepartout, went off to the Mongolia in a boat, and descended to his cabin.
  9. Fogg, accompanied by Aouda, started for the English consulate to have his passport visaed.
  10. Fogg thought it a useless precaution, but told him to do as he thought best, and went on to the consulate.