English to gujarati meaning of

"બ્રિમિંગ" ની શબ્દકોશની વ્યાખ્યા છે: ઓવરફ્લો થવાના બિંદુ સુધી ભરેલું, અથવા કાંઠે પૂર્ણ. આનંદ, આનંદ અથવા ઉત્તેજના જેવી લાગણીઓથી છલકાતી વ્યક્તિનું વર્ણન કરવા માટે પણ તેનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાય છે.


  1. brimful
  2. brimfull

Sentence Examples

  1. They filled the chamber and tunnels with exuberant chatter, brimming with energy.
  2. Her blue eyes, brimming with questions, glistened in the fire light.
  3. Brimming with black mead, its contents smelled strongly of honey, mulled spices, and currants.
  4. Arthur gazed at Lance, his eyes brimming with pride.
  5. After his death, Shirley became exceptionally extroverted, her days brimming with distractions.
  6. Innovations and knowledge brimming with possibilities that are moving along the Volga trade roads in exchange for spices.
  7. His eyes were wide and brimming with all that unchecked emotion.
  8. The display spotlighted a backdrop of a farm scene that featured rustic folk art chickens along with a milk jug brimming with artificial sunflowers.
  9. She suddenly felt very protective of him, like a big sister, her heart brimming with tenderness.
  10. Yes, his first friend stood grinning with the others, big blue eyes brimming with excitement, offering him that shy little smile and a big thumbs-up sign.