(1) A long cassock with buttons down the front; worn by Roman Catholic priests
(2) A long cassock with buttons down the front
(3) Worn by Roman Catholic priests
(1) I have only seen one priest wear a soutane in the last 20 years.
(2) Carroll enters the classroom - the setting is deliberately sparse: a large blackboard, a crucifix, a lift-up desk and one wooden chair - dressed in the white collarless shirt, black soutane and trousers of the Christian Brothers order.
(3) When some poor seminarians were being bullied for wearing the soutane and wanting a traditional formation, one great man, after long years of service, at an age when most men are retired, took these seminarians in.
(4) A black soutane with a narrow picotee edge of brilliant carmine red is the garment affected by Cardinals for everyday wear.
(5) The Pope puts on his pontifical clericals - white soutane and skull cap.
(6) U2018He was very serious in his white surplice and black soutane ,u2019 recalled one former friend.
(7) Yet I found him so repellent that if I saw the bizarre figure in sunglasses and black flapping soutane arriving, I sometimes ran into the toilets to avoid him.
(8) A slight, white-haired figure wearing a short red cape and wine and gold stole over his white soutane , the new pope stepped smiling through red velvet curtains onto the main balcony of St. Peter's Basilica shortly before 7 p.m.
(9) They were all dressed in soutanes , which were a terrible barrier to openness and communication.
(10) During retreats we'd walk around in silence, everyone in soutanes , rosary beads in hand, or a book, meditating, praying, thinking, drifting.
(11) At that time, in the Parish Church, the servers wore black soutanes all through the year, until Christmas when the red soutane was donned.