অবমাননাকর ভাষা, ভর্ত্সনা, নিন্দা, অপমান
(1) State of disgrace resulting from public abuse,a malicious attack,calumny
(2) State of disgrace resulting from public abuse
(3) A malicious attack
(4) Calumny
(1) The European democracies have received, with overwhelmingly good reason, much obloquy for their failure to take effective measures against fascism in the 1930s.
(2) She can't be referring to obloquy in general, since it is her campaign that is firing out slurs and false allegations at an astonishing pace.
(3) I know of no government that would risk public ire and obloquy by attempting to tax that u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510imputed income.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(4) He didn't mind public debate and obloquy , but he hated personal spite and family quarrels.
(5) She walked towards me with a look of anger and obloquy on her face.
(6) But no one, as far as I know, ever asks what series of events brought Hester to Massachusetts, where so much obloquy is heaped on her.
(7) The person who finally managed to bring obloquy to the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510scienceu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb of eugenics was of course Adolf Hitler.
(8) He dishes out obloquy to former tutors and students and treats the reader to vainglorious self-congratulation.
(9) Conduct to which no more obloquy could reasonably attach
(10) Amid national and international obloquy and mockery, progress could only be made very discreetly.
(11) Some of this obloquy does, however, belong to publishers.
(12) On the other hand, if he hangs on, the result will be certain obloquy : he will be fated to be remembered as the man who lost America.
(13) Napalm's employment in the Vietnam war attracted particular obloquy .
(14) Moreover, the moral obloquy involved will normally be likely to be rather less than in what have been styled u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510truly criminalu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb cases.
(15) But his stubbornness during the last months of the war caused resentment after the war and some obloquy .
(16) Lady Hamilton's reputation has never fully recovered from the public obloquy heaped on her for her affair with Nelson, which led ultimately to her lonely and impoverished death in Calais from alcoholism.
(17) It cannot hurt for the dictator to be held up to obloquy and censure for the use of gas.
(18) Sufis often flirted with public obloquy and social danger, as if to prove that their love of God was wholly disinterested, uninfluenced by, indeed, contemptuous of, the social approval sought by the outwardly pious.
(19) The two found that they shared beliefs - and the burden of obloquy for what they believed.
(20) Many current leaders of public opinion are blind to the implications of global insecurity and they risk the obloquy of history - we must be sure that they do not take us with them.