আয়তাকার, আয়ত
(1) (of a leaf shape
(2) Deviating from a square or circle or sphere by being elongated in one direction
(3) Of a leaf shape
(4) Having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides
(5) Deviating from a square or circle or sphere by beingelongated in one direction
(6) Elongated and rounded
(1) A plane figure that deviates from a square or circle due to elongation
(1) Formations on sloping ground tended to stretch into oblong shapes with the longest dimension pointing downhill.
(2) Curving appendages attached to oblong shapes or to punctured spheres in some of the works may allude to other life-forms such as insects or invertebrates.
(3) The group, including Jude, Texas, Katie, the President, and two other men Jude didn't recognize, all sat down around the oblong table.
(4) The remote is a black oblong with buttons up and down its front like the brass on a soldier's uniform.
(5) Dusting a covered board with flour, she split the dough in half, shaped each section into oblong lengths and placed them in greased loaf pans.
(6) When the moon tugs on the Earth's surface, it stretches the planet into a slightly oblong shape.
(7) He entered the conference room and sat at the old oblong table as the minutes ticked by.
(8) Moonlight lay across the floor in a precise oblong of light.
(9) Then we showed them how to roll it into an oblong shape and flatten it if they wanted their artwork to resemble the oval of a human face.
(10) At first glance his face looked like a long oblong , but upon closer inspection, you found him to be a quite handsome looking young man.
(11) To the left sat a dark, oblong table and six sturdy chairs.
(12) A table of oblong shape stood midway between the drawing-room walls.
(13) The scheme of a three-winged portico recalls the many coastal porticoed villas that appear on small square or horizontal oblong panels in Roman wall painting.
(14) I looked back to the grey oblong that was my laptop.
(15) In the center of the room was a large, oblong table with a chair at the head for the king.
(16) It was awkwardly wrapped and had a strange, oblong shape to it.
(17) The size and slightly oblong shape certainly help with the reproductions, though the pictures seem to be a little bit misty in texture.
(18) An artist who saw a square as an oblong, logically would paint that oblong as a square.
(19) Malkeius walked into the briefing room, a oblong table adorned the center of the chamber with a single holographic projector.
(20) The door ran from the roof (made of canvas) to the dirt floor, and the oblong of light let in showed it was night time.