(1) Watch over (students taking an exam, to prevent cheating
(2) As of students taking an exam
(3) to prevent cheating
(1) Absolutely hated exams because they u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510don't represent a child's capability at all at any levelu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb and because she had to invigilate .
(2) The authority has replaced some of the practicals that the kids were required to sit and it also has reduced the number of exams that they must invigilate .
(3) Teachers will not invigilate at examinations and will not correct papers.
(4) Every March we invigilate university examinations
(5) In Kisumu, at least 100 teachers have rejected an offer by the Kenya National Examinations Council to invigilate and supervise examinations.
(6) During exam week, all she had to do was invigilate
(7) She claimed to be going off to invigilate an exam for a friend, but I sensed duplicity in the air.
(8) In line with the government's workload reform initiatives to cut down on the number of administrative tasks conducted by teachers, the school already uses support staff to invigilate exams, photocopy resources and put up displays.
(9) Computer-based tests can be delivered anywhere via a secure computer network and are increasingly invigilated in dedicated, computer based, assessment centres at some distance from the test source
(10) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510You will know two weeks lateru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, said the friendly invigilator .
(11) Teaching Unions whose members make a pretty penny from invigilating and correcting.
(12) The decision to reduce the amount of study leave was based on this realisation and an understanding that teachers are now able to carry on teaching since exams here are invigilated by support staff these days.
(13) I was a teacher invigilating the GCSE Physics practical for the class I taught.
(14) I have actually met some of the on-the-ground invigilators of the International Atomic Energy Agency, tough and cynical guys who say that the agreement is being properly observed.
(15) They won't be invigilating at the examinations.
(16) My ex-Physics teacher who was invigilating the exam seemed a little concerned at my having finished so early and asked if I'd done all the questions, which I had.
(17) Further, his Honour Mr Justice Mason observed that his Honour Judge Phegan acquitted the appellant of negligence as regards the failure to provide around the clock invigilation .
(18) They don't even have enough paper to write on - while I was invigilating an exam one day, it ran out completely.
(19) The teacher, who had been invigilating , had been looking at pictures of naked women on his computer unaware that it was sending the images to an overhead screen in full view of pupils.
(20) Instead of planning lessons, arranging field trips and invigilating exams, her short-lived teaching career lies in tatters after she foolishly became attracted to one of her pupils.