(1) Containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice.
(2) Hateful.
(1) Constant anxious attention to her appearance becomes a major part of woman's life, a source of frustration, unflagging investment and invidious comparison.
(2) The novice manager accepts he finds himself in an invidious position following in the footsteps of a man who could have achieved no more.
(3) These organizations fall well outside any reading of invidious discrimination and are a prime example of how exclusionary organizations and institutions determine and admit qualified members.
(4) It is an invidious position: we are part of the European Union and are integrated at many levels, except the crucial financial one.
(5) Now we're not surprised at the mayor's invidious juxtaposition since he once famously remarked, when questioned about his tax increase's impact on local bodegas, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It's a minor economic issue.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(6) The conference also provides a platform for highlighting casteism as a form of invidious discrimination and an international human rights violation.
(7) Though far more subtle than in Skinner, however, the discrimination here is nonetheless invidious - as it so often is when some people in the population identify others as unworthy of parenthood.
(8) In this small multi-talented cast comparisons are invidious , but Ben Stillman stood out for the remarkable range of his skills and the sharp definition he brought to his characterisations.
(9) There is enormous support for these men who have been jailed because they have come across as sincere men who have been put in the most invidious position.
(10) Despite the hullabaloo, and the invidious position into which he has allowed himself to be manoeuvred, it looks as if he will hold on to his job.
(11) The recent longstanding salary dispute, now happily resolved by government action, was unsettling and helped place universities and funding councils in an invidious position.
(12) The new levy would have precisely the same invidious impact on newspapers and the electronic media.
(13) Such stressors are potentially invidious not least because people may not experience these as unpleasant or be conscious of their effects.
(14) Schumacher is in an invidious position, but as a team player he must take the rough with the smooth.
(15) The majority found the record weak and anecdotal, refusing to presume a pattern of state invidious discrimination against the disabled, especially when so many states have disability rights statutes.
(16) It has placed doctors in an invidious position - they knew the risks of injecting their patients with this caustic poison, yet they had no other option.
(17) The British media is in a bit of an invidious position, in that we've got our editors in London saying, Well, we've got carte blanche, we can print what we like.
(18) Berlinski notes Dembski's extensive academic training, but overlooks Dembski's documented penchant for invidious comparisons.
(19) The chairman is in an invidious position but he did McLeish no favours last week.
(20) These 6,000 teachers are in an invidious situation.