বিরস, স্বাদহীন, মাধুর্যহীন, নীরস, বোদা
(1) Lacking taste or flavor or tang,lacking significance or impact,lacking interest or significance,not pleasing to the sense of taste,dull,uninteresting,tasteless
(2) Lacking taste or flavor or tang
(3) Lacking significance or impact
(4) Lacking interest or significance
(5) Not pleasing to the sense of taste
(6) Dull
(7) Uninteresting
(8) Tasteless
(1) It is important to force through nearly all of the pulp, otherwise you will lose a lot of the flavour and be left with a bowl of insipid liquid.
(2) Say goodbye to eating dull, monotonous and insipid food day after day.
(3) There were indeed big chunks of chocolate, but the ice-cream itself was insipid and flavourless.
(4) Before they are thoroughly matured, moreover, they are apt to be insipid in flavour, and to cause dyspepsia and other forms of intestinal disturbance.
(5) Hearty food will make lighter wine taste insipid .
(6) Don't even think about cocoa powders or the thin, insipid apology for chocolate drinks you get from machines.
(7) People no longer like plain insipid soups, preferring instead spicy offerings with an unusual combination of ingredients.
(8) Hot colours tend to advance visually and dominate, making less strong colours appear dull and insipid .
(9) There are u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510fast foodu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb cafeterias all over town that take advantage of this hurry and serve up what can only be described as insipid food.
(10) Sadly, the larger volume of water dilutes the taste of the flavouring ingredients, thus rendering the flavour of the noodles rather watery and insipid .
(11) Here's the gist: insipid music, a boring story and lots of people arriving in carriages.
(12) Lily is very shallow and insipid ; William has to buy her all of her necessities.
(13) Henry's charm begins to work on Carol, who's bored by her dull life and insipid husband.
(14) The pictures are good but the text is mostly insipid .
(15) Even today, in this age of designer bars and huge superpubs, the pint of lager is generally an insipid , watery travesty.
(16) So many South African wines, particularly the big brands, are insipid , bland offerings, despite this great diversity.
(17) I am not usually given to frequenting these places for more than a cup of insipid coffee but this one, contrary to the norm used to be good.
(18) They are almost without acid and therefore insipid in flavour.
(19) And their only experience of strawberries is the chilled, wrapped and insipid kind from the supermarket shelf.
(20) As a vocalist, however, he only emphasises the insipid nature of his songs, most of which are reminiscent of mediocre 80s pop.