ঠেস, পরোক্ষ ইঙ্গিত, পরোক্ষ বক্রোক্তি
(1) An indirect (and usually malicious) implication,the act of gaining acceptance or affection for yourself by persuasive and subtle blandishments,implication
(2) An indirect (and usually malicious) implication
(3) The act of gaining acceptance or affection for yourself by persuasive and subtle blandishments
(4) Implication
(1) A piece of filthy insinuation
(2) The Americans resent the charge that they could have prevented the looting, and museum officials are incensed by insinuations that their staff allowed or even profited from it.
(3) But despite a press barrage of innuendo and insinuations , he has not been charged with, let alone found guilty of, any crime.
(4) This was a field of much creativity, which ranged from the crudest slurs to the most subtle insinuations and allusions.
(5) There have been insinuations , accusations, denials and counter-accusations.
(6) He had been making similar insinuations for the last three days.
(7) So, the case has completely collapsed, and Kay is left with nothing but vague and unproved insinuations even in the small matters to which he continues to cling for whatever odd reason.
(8) But there are just hints and insinuations that if I stick around long enough there might be a plot later.
(9) As usual there were lots of insinuations but there did not seem to be many facts.
(10) Opposition parties have levelled insinuations of skulduggery and secret agreements, but the Australian government has stuck hard to the line that no deal had been done.
(11) These are insinuations being spread about me because I belong to the poorer classes.
(12) He made the most unpalatable insinuations and unpleasant comparisons without hurting anyone's feelings and without giving cause for disapproval.
(13) We deny all the implied allegations and insinuations in the strongest possible terms.
(14) She has turned it into an increasingly ludicrous set of insinuations , non sequiturs and delusions.
(15) Far be it from me to stoop to petty insinuations and suggestions, just to illustrate a point.
(16) Further insinuations follow in the shape of questions over the pair's rare competition appearances.
(17) There have also been many other insinuations made about my motives and reasoning for becoming involved in the club.
(18) What is tangible are the insinuations and outright scolding heaped on various nations and entertainment and sports superstars who haven't ponied up what is perceived to be an adequate amount.
(19) The thefts were calculated and professional, and the staff were quick with unpleasant insinuations when the evil deeds were pointed out.
(20) Mark gives numerous reasons for his attitude, along with somewhat threatening insinuations that resistance is futile and that u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510theyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb will destroy you if you try.