(1) It sounded like a pipe dream, but he was so enthusiastic it was hard not to get excited for him.
(2) I also have to report that some reviewers were not as enthusiastic as those quoted by the publisher.
(3) The heads of the other two main arms of the military were perhaps less enthusiastic in their reactions.
(4) I like being the elder statesman and the committee is almost entirely new and enthusiastic .
(5) All were extremely enthusiastic , and eager for everyone on the course to do well.
(6) The officers from Manchester are enthusiastic and keen to take on the challenge.
(7) He's enthusiastic about the live show, but is also keen to raise his comedic profile again.
(8) What is more, the book has generated some genuinely warm and enthusiastic reviews.
(9) There was a lot of enthusiastic hand-shaking in the European parliament in those days.
(10) But they also care a good deal for me, and are enthusiastic for what will make my life better.
(11) He's an enthusiastic worker
(12) To aid me I discussed the idea with a former colleague who was very enthusiastic about the whole thing.
(13) He's very enthusiastic about coming here
(14) She is a lively, dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer and we are all very proud of her.
(15) Back then the rallies were big and the support was energetic and enthusiastic .
(16) Finally you will be surrounded by enthusiastic people eager to grow in faith.
(17) I was interested in how many women competed, and how enthusiastic they were about it.
(18) Most skaters are active, enthusiastic and trying to do what they love without being hassled.
(19) They're not very enthusiastic about the project
(20) It was a very enthusiastic meeting and I know I'm going to get a lot of support from the people there.