(1) He was an enthusiast for the theatre and university educated.
(2) He was a leading and ardent enthusiast for the very inward investment that he now equally enthusiastically disclaims.
(3) A sports car enthusiast
(4) For the dance enthusiast , ballet conveys the strength and fragility of the human spirit through its grace and agility.
(5) He had been a long-standing enthusiast for home rule at a time when it merely served to reinforce his marginal status in the party.
(6) A breathless enthusiast for the wired world, he writes well enough to take happy Luddites such as me along with him.
(7) A model aircraft enthusiast for many years, he painstakingly built the helicopter from a kit last year.
(8) He's a sports enthusiast
(9) The enthusiast for Puritan literature will welcome, read and apply the content of this book.
(10) He is also an enthusiast for newer aircraft, which are more fuel-efficient but also more expensive.
(11) Unless you are an enthusiast for such things, these annual events don't have a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510wowu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb factor.
(12) The store is expected to attract interest from the sports enthusiasts who frequent the Arena complex.
(13) The last game of the year is traditionally the time football enthusiasts and pundits switch to full clairvoyance mode.
(14) The people involved would class themselves as enthusiasts interested in the survival of the scene.
(15) The event is expected to attract a lot of interest among dart enthusiasts and all are welcome on the night.
(16) Falconry enthusiasts wanting to delve even deeper into the subject can sign up for a course of either one, two or five days.
(17) It is certain to appeal to field-sports enthusiasts and to nature lovers.
(18) The advent of the old-new technology is something airship enthusiasts thought would never happen.
(19) For a change the zoo authorities want the wildlife enthusiasts to suggest a name for this female baboon.
(20) But he is one of life's great enthusiasts and his love of his subject is getting quite infectious.