দূত, বাণিজ্যদূত, অধিনায়ক
(1) A diplomat appointed by a government to protect its commercial interests and help its citizens in a foreign country.
(2) Representative.
(1) The British consul in Israel
(2) Detective Chief Inspector Steve Brunskill said this particularly complicated case was made easier by excellent co-operation between Lancashire Police, the Chinese officers and the Chinese consul .
(3) The top military leadership position is the Minister of Defense, who is appointed by a consul , the head of the Valtavech government.
(4) It was left to the British consul to defend their interests in a rare burst of civic solidarity!
(5) It is on the site of the Laterani family palace, seized by the emperor Nero when a consul of that ancient family was accused of treason.
(6) The honour for Fletcher officially came just hours after the consul 's office in the city was closed down.
(7) They used bribery to get him elected consul for 59 (this pact is known as the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510first triumvirateu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb - a term without ancient authority).
(8) It is dated by the name of the consul serving in Rome under Trajan in AD 98.
(9) A spokesman stepped forward to offer a compromise: Octavian would remain consul, but a second consul would be elected annually, as of old, so that he could share the burden.
(10) Together Pompey, Crassus and Caesar succeed in getting Caesar elected consul and in passing legislation that mainly benefited them.
(11) Estonia and Scotland have strong links and, on the eve of Estonia's accession to the European Union, the country has recently appointed an honorary consul in Scotland.
(12) Athy Town Council chairperson and Special Olympics Committee chairperson, Mark Dalton said he was honoured to welcome the ambassador and his consul .
(13) When the receptionist, an English-speaking woman, opened her window I went up to her to inform her that I was not a visa applicant but had an appointment with the consul .
(14) The US citizen, Komarovsky, was handed over to an American consul in Ashgabat on 24 April 2003 for deportation to the United States.
(15) After his return from a successful year administrating Spain Caesar was elected consul for 59 BC through political alliance with Pompey and Crassus.
(16) In 1801, while still first consul , he signed a concordat with the Catholic Church.
(17) Returning to Rome, Marius was elected consul for five years consecutively and given command against the migrating Cimbri and Teutones, who had inflicted a series of defeats on the Romans and were threatening Italy.
(18) Elected consul for 205, Scipio wanted to carry the war to Africa.
(19) Appointed a Chilean consul , Neruda went first to Barcelona and then to Madrid in 1935.
(20) In 205, Scipio ran for consul on the platform that he could defeat Carthage and bring the long war to a close.
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