English to burmese meaning of

အဘိဓာန်တွင် "အမြဲတမ်း" ဟူသော စကားလုံး၏ အဓိပ္ပါယ်မှာ "ကိစ္စတိုင်း သို့မဟုတ် အခါတိုင်း၊ အမြဲတမ်း" ဖြစ်သည်။ ၎င်းသည် သီးခြားအခြေအနေတစ်ခုတွင် အဆက်မပြတ်ဖြစ်နေသော သို့မဟုတ် မပြောင်းလဲသည့်အရာ သို့မဟုတ် တူညီနေစေရန်အတွက် အားကိုးနိုင်သည့်အရာတစ်ခုကို ရည်ညွှန်းသည်။


  1. constantly
  2. always

Sentence Examples

  1. And although, in all the many reports of the evidence, the relative expressions in question are distinctly and invariably employed just as I have employed them in this conversation with yourself, no notice whatever of the gross discrepancy has, as yet, been taken by any of the public journals, or by any of the Myrmidons of police.
  2. Such only he has invariably seemed to us, in all we have happened personally to know of him, through a friendship of five or six years.
  3. In fact, as regards the more important knowledge, I do believe that she is invariably superficial.
  4. His frequent intentions of growing a beard always succumbed to changes of mind, leaving his face invariably speckled with dark stubble.
  5. This done, in profound silence they entered the room where he was asleep, taking his rest after the past frays, and advancing to where he was sleeping tranquilly, not dreaming of anything of the kind happening, they seized him firmly and bound him fast hand and foot, so that, when he awoke startled, he was unable to move, and could only marvel and wonder at the strange figures he saw before him upon which he at once gave way to the idea which his crazed fancy invariably conjured up before him, and took it into his head that all these shapes were phantoms of the enchanted castle, and that he himself was unquestionably enchanted as he could neither move nor help himself precisely what the curate, the concoctor of the scheme, expected would happen.
  6. They all got upon the train, which was just ready to start, at half-past one at dawn of day they were in Dublin and they lost no time in embarking on a steamer which, disdaining to rise upon the waves, invariably cut through them.
  7. The geckos invariably caught the moths by the tail and then proceeded to devour them like a snake swallowing a pig.
  8. Now, in the struggles of one unused to swimming, the arms are invariably thrown upwards, while an attempt is made to keep the head in its usual perpendicular position.
  9. Although at first, I had no idea the extent of his passion, the lengths he would take to expose shady deals, especially when, as they invariably do, those deals impact adversely on the environment.
  10. But he could not take root in any of these with chagrin, he found his masters invariably whimsical and irregular, constantly running about the country, or on the look-out for adventure.