English to burmese meaning of

"ရောင်ရမ်းခြင်း" ဟူသော အဘိဓာန်၏ အဓိပ္ပါယ်မှာ ဒေါသ၊ စိတ်အားထက်သန်မှု သို့မဟုတ် စိတ်လှုပ်ရှားမှုကဲ့သို့သော ပြင်းထန်သောခံစားချက်များကို လှုံ့ဆော်ရန် သို့မဟုတ် ရုပ်ပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာ ရောင်ရမ်းခြင်း သို့မဟုတ် ယားယံခြင်းတို့ကို ဖြစ်စေသည်။ ပုံသဏ္ဍာန်အရရော စာသားအရပါ မီးစွဲခြင်း သို့မဟုတ် မီးတင်ရှို့ခြင်းဟုလည်း ဆိုလိုနိုင်သည်။

Sentence Examples

  1. And now he saw by the heap of shavings still fresh at his feet, that, for him and his work, the former lapse of time had been an illusion, and that no more time had elapsed than is required for a single scintillation from the brain of Brahma to fall on and inflame the tinder of a mortal brain.
  2. Resistance only served to inflame the murderers, who inflicted their furious blows long after their victims were beyond the power of their resentment.
  3. As she appeared to him in her dressing-gown, she drove all the beauties he had seen until then out of his recollection speech failed him, his head turned, he was spell-bound, and in the end love-smitten, as you will see in the course of the story of my misfortune and to inflame still further his passion, which he hid from me and revealed to Heaven alone, it so happened that one day he found a note of hers entreating me to demand her of her father in marriage, so delicate, so modest, and so tender, that on reading it he told me that in Luscinda alone were combined all the charms of beauty and understanding that were distributed among all the other women in the world.
  4. Sensing arguing with her would only inflame her further, he lowered his head and held up his hands in a contrite gesture.