English to amharic meaning of

ሴት የሚለው ቃል እንደ አገባቡ ብዙ ትርጉሞች አሉት፡ ስም፡ ሴት በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ከአንድ መቶ ብር ጋር እኩል የሆነ የገንዘብ አሃድ ነው። p > ስም፡ ሴት የስኮትላንዳዊ ተወላጅ መጠሪያ ስም ነው፣ ከጋይሊክ "ማክሺትሪግ" የወጣ ሲሆን ትርጉሙም "የሲትሪክ ልጅ" ነው። ስም፡- በአንዳንድ የእንግሊዝ ክፍሎች "ሴት" ማለት የወንድ የዘር ፍጡር ወይም ግብረ ሰዶማዊ የሆነ ሰው ማለት ነው። " እንደ አውድ እና ባህሉ ሊለያይ ይችላል።


  1. set

Sentence Examples

  1. He saw Blake and Seth Silcorn enter a theatre with an all gnome cast, whilst Arianna and Nena were in line at a cinema.
  2. Seth had come along first, only six months after the house and barn had been finished.
  3. Seth had always been a talented cattle driver and preferred to be on the trail.
  4. She chuckled as Blake and his cousin Seth ogled over the magazine Jed had found, which had portraits of sexy vampires and valkyries.
  5. Seth and Dean looked a lot alike but had different personalities.
  6. Seth frowned a little but took it when she raised her eyebrows at him.
  7. Seth was out moving part of the herd to a new pasture.
  8. Seth had retired to his bunkhouse and Marcus had headed on home.
  9. Then they had to get off because Seth and Blake were waiting for a go.
  10. Dean looked around the parlor which he and Seth had enlarged.