English to amharic meaning of

የ "መቧጨር" ግስ መዝገበ ቃላት ፍቺው አንድን ነገር ማስወገድ ወይም መሰብሰብ ሲሆን በላዩ ላይ በሹል ወይም በጠንካራ ነገር ወይም ግፊትን በመተግበር አንድን ነገር ማስወገድ ወይም መሰብሰብ ነው, ይህም ብዙውን ጊዜ የመቧጨር ድምጽ ያስከትላል. እንዲሁም አንድን ነገር መቧጨር ወይም መቧጨር፣ ወለልን በመቧጨር ማስወገድ ወይም ማጽዳት ወይም የሆነ ነገር ማሳካት ማለት ሊሆን ይችላል። እንደ ስም፣ "መቧጨር" የሚያመለክተው የመቧጨር ተግባር ወይም በመቧጨር የሚፈጠረውን ድምጽ ነው። እንዲሁም አስቸጋሪ ወይም ደስ የማይል ሁኔታን ሊያመለክት ይችላል።


  1. grate

Sentence Examples

  1. Rising to her feet, Gudrun pushed off the table and listened to the legs of her little, wooden chair scrape the stone floor and the shuffle of her own feet.
  2. A Hobgoblin lunged at Brooke first, trying to scrape her face off with a metal claw.
  3. The scrape of wood on wood drew the attention of some of the men in the hall who turned to see Jack standing alone.
  4. Dean felt a pin prick scrape his spine the memory flooded over him.
  5. He felt his feet scrape against the strange stone.
  6. The scrape of steel cut through the air as Sintian unsheathed his sword behind them.
  7. Grains of sand seemed to scrape over her eyes, and she winced as she passed her hand over them before forcing them open again.
  8. The metallic clang of the hilt hitting the stone and the scrape of the blade reverberated around the hall.
  9. I close my jaw a little, and scrape my teeth against his finger.
  10. Charlie watched her buckled black shoes scrape the muddied straw.