English to amharic meaning of

እንደ ስም፣ "ውጤት" በርካታ ትርጉሞች አሉት፣ እነዚህም ጨምሮ፦በጨዋታ ወይም ውድድር የተገኙ የነጥቦች ወይም ግቦች ብዛት። የሙዚቃ ቅንብርን መወከል፣ ሁሉንም ክፍሎች በአንድነት በማሳየት ላይ።ቡድን ወይም የሃያ ስብስብ። ወይም አንድ ነገር መቁጠር። እንደ ግሥ፣ "ውጤት" በርካታ ትርጉሞች አሉት፣ ከእነዚህም መካከል፡ በጨዋታ ወይም ነጥብ ለማግኘት ወይም ለማግኘት ፉክክር ሙዚቃው የፊልም፣ የቴሌቪዥን ትርዒት ወይም ሌላ ፕሮዳክሽን።

Sentence Examples

  1. He might have given himself six or eight when he began to think the joke no trifle, and its price very low and holding his hand for a moment, he told his master that he cried off on the score of a blind bargain, for each of those lashes ought to be paid for at the rate of half a real instead of a quarter.
  2. The glass front doors were smashed out, no doubt from someone hoping to score some easy cash.
  3. No matter how much he wanted to settle that score, it was a personal one and there was little to gain from it.
  4. Jordan pitched the remaining innings and only gave up one run when the Woodland Beavers tied the score.
  5. Even Richard had been unable to find fault with him on that score.
  6. Yeah, he knew how to score a touchdown when the heat was on.
  7. Be satisfied, sir knight, with what you have done, which leaves nothing more to be said on the score of courage, and do not seek to tempt fortune a second time.
  8. At first she wondered if her mind had simply wandered back to her dreams, but when she focused, she knew she was hearing it again, and this time the score was whole.
  9. They fled before him so fast that before he had shaken the life out of a score, the other dogs, who had by now been lifted in the same manner, had but small prey ere the whole mass had vanished.
  10. Anselmo told her she might be quite easy on the score of that suspicion, for he knew that Lothario was in love with a damsel of rank in the city whom he celebrated under the name of Chloris, and that even if he were not, his fidelity and their great friendship left no room for fear.