English to amharic meaning of

ፓስታ ማለት "ከዱረም የስንዴ ዱቄት፣ ሰሞሊና ወይም ሌላ እህል የሚዘጋጅ የጣሊያን ምግብ በተለምዶ በተለያዩ ቅርጾች ተዘጋጅቶ የተቀቀለ" ተብሎ ይገለጻል። ፓስታ ዱቄቱን እራሱ ወይም ፓስታን እንደ ዋና ንጥረ ነገር የሚያካትት ማንኛውንም ምግብ ሊያመለክት ይችላል።


  1. alimentary paste

Sentence Examples

  1. Maria arrived to take our orders for pasta, then returned to fill our glasses with red wine.
  2. In the house, I opened some beer, and Pearl served pasta with goat cheese.
  3. His Bolognese sauce was perfect, made even better with some fresh pasta I brought up from the store, along with odds and ends for a spring salad.
  4. We ate pizza, pasta, grilled-cheese sandwiches, and spinach-and-cheese pie.
  5. I dug into my chicken pasta salad and changed the topic.
  6. Then he paid for them, hinting that any of them would go well with homemade pasta.
  7. The microwave beeped, and I pulled out my tray of Lean Cuisine pasta carbonara.
  8. A waiter had just unloaded a tray of pasta dishes at the table next to ours and the aroma was making my mouth water.
  9. I made garlic bread and threw together a pasta dish with zucchini, tomatoes, orange peppers, and a white cream sauce.
  10. As we waited to be seated, the aroma of pasta sauce wafted in my direction and stirred my appetite.