English to amharic meaning of

“መገዛት” የሚለው ቃል የሚያመለክተው ምልክትን ወይም አክብሮትን፣ ክብርን ወይም መገዛትን ነው። ለአንድ ሰው ወይም ለአንድ ነገር አክብሮትን ወይም አክብሮትን የሚያሳይ ድርጊት ወይም መግለጫ ነው። ማጎንበስ የተለያዩ ቅርጾችን ሊወስድ ይችላል፣ ለምሳሌ ቀስት፣ መጎርጎር፣ መጎተት፣ ወይም ሌላ ማንኛውም ውጫዊ የአክብሮት ማሳያ። ብዙውን ጊዜ ለሥልጣን እውቅና ለመስጠት፣ ለአንድ አምላክ ወይም ለሃይማኖታዊ ሰው አክብሮት ለማሳየት ወይም ለከፍተኛ ደረጃ ላለው ግለሰብ መገዛትን ለማሳየት ይከናወናል። በአጠቃላይ፣ መስገድ ትህትናን እና የተከበረውን ሰው ወይም ነገር የላቀነት ወይም አስፈላጊነት እውቅና መስጠቱን ያሳያል።


  1. obedience

Sentence Examples

  1. As the duke and duchess mounted the stage Don Quixote and Sancho rose and made them a profound obeisance, which they returned by bowing their heads slightly.
  2. The engagement given, he of the White Moon wheeled about, and making obeisance to the viceroy with a movement of the head, rode away into the city at a half gallop.
  3. Titan arrogance always tended to shine through, as if even the smallest of kindnesses shown to mortals deserved obeisance and eternal gratitude in return.
  4. As if his obeisance might somehow buy him another breath.
  5. Kirke tried to incline her head at each show of obeisance, though it slowed her progress to a crawl.
  6. This voice made everyone bow before it, resembling in its effect the wind passing over a field of wheat, by its superior strength forcing every ear to yield obeisance.
  7. Only others had to make this climb, a symbolic obeisance to call upon their gods.
  8. Altisidora then, pretending to wipe away her tears with a handkerchief, made an obeisance to her master and mistress and quitted the room.
  9. Should she offer obeisance to goddesses of Fate who worked their will by permitting such egregious breaches of all decency?