English to amharic meaning of

"nes" የሚለው ቃል "በተለይም ወደ ባሕሩ ውጭ የሚወጣው አንድ ወይም የፊት ገጽታ የሚያመለክተው ስም ነው. እንዲሁም በአንዳንድ የቦታ ስሞች በተለይም በስኮትላንድ ውስጥ የጭንቅላት ቦታን ወይም ካፕን ለማመልከት እንደ ቅጥያ ያገለግላል።


  1. cape

Sentence Examples

  1. Striding around the grounds of Ness House, Watters examined the various pieces of the puzzle.
  2. They splashed onto the muddy track that was the only way in or out of the village and rolled on until Watters pulled to a stop outside the single-storied building that claimed to be the lodge for Ness House.
  3. He saw one tan Nash stopped at the intersection of Wilshire and Van Ness.
  4. To the west, the rocky headland of Buddon Ness marked the boundary between the German Ocean and the Firth of Tay, while a hundred yards to the East, the beach ended in a rising ridge of dark cliffs.