English to amharic meaning of

የ"ሞርቢድ" የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሙ የሚታወቀው ወይም ለሚረብሽ ጤናማ ያልሆነ ፍላጎት በተለይም ሞት እና በሽታ ነው። እንዲሁም የታመመ ወይም ጤናማ ያልሆነ፣ ወይም ያልተለመደ ወይም ጤናማ ያልሆነ የአእምሮ ወይም የአካል ሁኔታን ሊያመለክት ይችላል።


  1. ghoulish

Sentence Examples

  1. I listened in as an older couple discussed the headlines of the Herald, but the topic soon turned morbid.
  2. The news channels talked with morbid glee of another murder.
  3. She looked through clenched fingers, a morbid fascination beginning to replace the initial horror.
  4. Sam read the story in the paper with morbid fascination as he ate some toast and waited for Tabby to get ready.
  5. All the morbid reticence seems to have passed from her, and she has just reminded me, as if I needed any reminding, of that night, and that it was here, on this very seat, I found her asleep.
  6. Plus, morbid curiosity is all I seem to be seeking these days.
  7. Huitzilopochtli laughed and it brought me out of my morbid musings.
  8. The child who was standing off to the side, near the corpses of his fallen friends, and watching this conflict unfold with a kind of morbid curiosity.
  9. Like some morbid artist at work, the shape twisted and folded until landing on the shape of an arm, where it tightened and lay still.