English to amharic meaning of

የመዝገበ-ቃላት ፍቺው "ተመስጦ" የሚለው ቃል፡ አንድን ነገር በድርጊት ወይም በባህሪያት ምክንያት ማግኘት ወይም ማግኘት ነው። እሱም የሚያመለክተው አንድ ነገር በአንድ ሰው ውለታዎች ወይም ስኬቶች ላይ በመመስረት በትክክል የሚገባውን ወይም የተገኘበትን ሁኔታ ነው። እሱም አንድ ሰው እውቅና ወይም ሽልማት ለማግኘት አንድ ነገር እንዳደረገ እና እውቅና ወይም ሽልማት የሚገባው እና በተግባሩ ወይም በባህሪያቸው ላይ የተመሰረተ መሆኑን ያመለክታል።


  1. deserved

Sentence Examples

  1. Had the priests done anything to them which merited murder?
  2. I have already successfully conducted several public prosecutions, and brought the offenders to merited punishment.
  3. They flouted at his efforts, and told him, with bitter scoffs, that his feet were better than his hands and that he merited wings, while he knew not the use of an arrow or a knife.
  4. At length growing impatient and feeling my heart languishing with longing to see her, I resolved to put into execution and carry out what seemed to me the best mode of winning my desired and merited reward, to ask her of her father for my lawful wife, which I did.
  5. Villefort merited punishment for what he had done to you, and, perhaps, to others.
  6. Whether it was his hunger, the lack of light, or weeks underground, the old prophet moved slower than even his age merited.
  7. He approached, paid her some well merited compliments on her toilet, and offered his arm to conduct her to a seat.
  8. Those the soldier shows on his face and breast are stars that direct others to the heaven of honour and ambition of merited praise and moreover it is to be observed that it is not with grey hairs that one writes, but with the understanding, and that commonly improves with years.
  9. Why, she did not know, but yet she did not the less feel that these reproaches were merited.
  10. Franz congratulated Albert, who received his congratulations with the air of a man conscious that they are merited.