English to amharic meaning of

የ"ብስለት" የሚለው ቃል የመዝገበ-ቃላት ፍቺ የሚያመለክተው ሙሉ በሙሉ የተገነባ፣ ያደገ ወይም የበሰለ ሁኔታን ወይም ጥራትን ነው። እንደ ጥሩ የማመዛዘን፣ የጥበብ ወይም የኃላፊነት ስሜት ካሉ ከአእምሮ ወይም ከስሜታዊ ችሎታዎች አንፃር ሙሉ በሙሉ የዳበረበትን ሁኔታ ሊያመለክት ይችላል። ብስለት እንደ ብስለት ግንኙነት ወይም እንደ ብስለት ንግድ ሙሉ በሙሉ የተመሰረተ ወይም የተደላደለ ሁኔታን ሊገልጽ ይችላል። በአጠቃላይ የብስለት ፅንሰ-ሀሳብ ብዙውን ጊዜ ከጎልማሳነት እና ሙሉ ለሙሉ መፈጠር እና የአዋቂዎችን ሃላፊነት የመሸከም ችሎታ ካለው ሀሳብ ጋር ይዛመዳል።


  1. matureness

Sentence Examples

  1. My wife and I brought up Kate with a firm emphasis on discipline and maturity of behaviour.
  2. But more importantly, he seemed to have grown over the past few months, not physically, but in maturity.
  3. If, that is, the Dark Powers would give them time enough to reach maturity.
  4. Because maturity was totally worth it at this point.
  5. Overjoyed by their windfall, the investors hold the counterfeit bonds until full maturity while Harting and Kennard sell the cattle and crops for real currency.
  6. Years remained ahead of her before she would approach maturity.
  7. Not that I was a shining example of maturity, but still.
  8. When they reached maturity, and after working with their dragonmaster after years of warfare and hardships, there was no creature on the planet more cunning.
  9. In these colleges the professors contrive new rules and methods of agriculture and building, and new instruments and tools for all trades and manufactures whereby, as they undertake, one man shall do the work of ten a palace may be built in a week, of materials so durable as to last forever without repairing all the fruits of the earth shall come to maturity at whatever season we think fit to choose, and increase a hundredfold more than they do at present, with innumerable other happy proposals.
  10. We know of none that can compare with them for maturity of purpose, and a nice understanding of the effects of language and metre.