English to amharic meaning of

የ"ውስን" የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሙ፡-በተወሰነ ገደብ ውስጥ የተገደበ ወይም የተገደበ ነው። ያልተገደበ ወይም ያልተገደበ አይደለም።የሚፈቀደው ወይም የሚቻለው የተወሰነ መጠን ወይም ቁጥር መኖር፤ በመጠንም ሆነ በስፋት የተገደበ።ሰፊ ወይም ሰፊ አይደለም፤ ጠባብ; በክልል ወይም በስፋት የተገደበ።በተወሰነ መንገድ ብቁ ወይም የተገደበ; እንደ ገደቦች ወይም ሁኔታዎች ተገዢ።(የድርጅት) ለባለ አክሲዮኖች የተወሰነ ተጠያቂነት ባለው የተወሰነ ስም የተካተተ።


  1. express

Sentence Examples

  1. He glanced at the door of his dressing room, considering the wisdom of taking some clothes with him, but he had limited time and no idea what clothing he should pack for himself.
  2. My time might be limited, but there were still some books I wanted to read.
  3. The tirade of verbal abuse and limited action was allowing Richard time to regain his strength.
  4. We had only a limited number of rooms, but this place was more of a transition point.
  5. My experience with the grinel as a whole was very limited, but it was clear even to me that this foe was a magnitude more dangerous than the vermilion demon that had kidnapped me.
  6. That was what the talking heads on the limited number of TV and radio channels had told everyone.
  7. His powers were still limited from his physical condition, and he could only scan a few yards at a time.
  8. The piece beside the king, originally an adviser or Vizier, with limited moves, became the Queen, with powers to leap across the board.
  9. I have very limited experience of woodcraft, hunting, cooking, navigating or possible dangers.
  10. Even though he had some limited knowledge from living in the towers, Kayla suspected his reservations stemmed more from the fact she was permanently bonded to Alec than anything else.