English to amharic meaning of

መማር የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉም የሚያመለክተው ዕውቀትን ወይም ክህሎትን በጥናት፣ በልምድ ወይም በመማር ማግኘትን ነው። በአንድ ርዕሰ ጉዳይ ወይም እንቅስቃሴ ውስጥ እውቀትን፣ ግንዛቤን ወይም ብቃትን የማግኘት ሂደት ነው። መማር በተለያዩ ዘዴዎች ማለትም በመመልከት፣ በማንበብ፣ በመሞከር፣ በመለማመድ እና በማስተማር ሊከናወን ይችላል። የሰው ልጅ እድገት መሰረታዊ ገጽታ ሲሆን ለግል እና ለሙያዊ እድገት አስፈላጊ ነው.


  1. acquisition

Sentence Examples

  1. She left him in his dark corner of the Archives to continue his lustful learning of ancient arts.
  2. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, learning Spanish, visiting family and friends and travelling overseas, especially to the Canary Islands.
  3. After that was Anatomy training, where Evan enjoyed learning to transform his fingers into keys to unlock any door.
  4. Extended Sorcery was next, where they were learning an incantation to make language universal.
  5. I realized my heart was pounding more from having met someone else with a unique ability, rather than from learning about the actual ability.
  6. Learning their weaknesses and how I could exploit them for my plans.
  7. Cedars-Sinai is still open, but UCLA Medical Center is now UCLA Learning Center for Magic Users.
  8. I turn and make small talk, learning that Stephanie and Joe have been publishing their travel newsletter for years, hailing back to the days when newsletters arrived in your mailbox.
  9. He cupped her breasts in his hands, learning their contours, the feeling of her stiff nipples against his palms so heady he could hardly bear it.
  10. Was he learning how to be less combative with other people, just not me?

TV Series Examples



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