English to amharic meaning of

የቃሉ መዝገበ ቃላት ፍቺው ጠባብ መንገድ፣ መንገድ፣ ወይም መተላለፊያ ነው፣ ብዙ ጊዜ የተወሰነ ዓላማ ወይም ጥቅም ያለው። በተለምዶ ለተሽከርካሪዎች፣ ለእግረኞች ወይም ለብስክሌቶች የሚያገለግል ሲሆን ብዙ ጊዜ በአጥር፣ በግድግዳ ወይም በሌሎች እንቅፋቶች የተከበበ ነው። በከተሞች፣ በገጠር አካባቢዎች፣ በአውራ ጎዳናዎች እና በስፖርት ሜዳዎች ውስጥ መስመሮች በተለያዩ ሁኔታዎች ውስጥ ይገኛሉ። “ሌይን” የሚለው ቃል ለውድድር የሚያገለግል የመዋኛ ገንዳ ክፍፍልን ወይም ለሰብል ልማት የሚያገለግል መሬትን ሊያመለክት ይችላል።

Sentence Examples

  1. Hoping to find her at home, he hurries out of the house and on down the lane to Calle Fajardo.
  2. They waited for half an hour before a polite young woman, getting the eye from Tom, signalled elegantly towards a free lane.
  3. Down on the street, Brick Lane workers were pressing clay, hauling bricks.
  4. I turn into the lane at the back of the house and park my car in the garage.
  5. Two police cars blocked the road near my house and another two were pulled across the lane further up.
  6. Jerry steered the vehicle onto the long lane leading to Fire Ridge.
  7. I take the lane to the right and pull over beside a field of prickly pears.
  8. Towards the end, when Angela was bankrupt and I struggled with half a dozen mortgaged properties, Celestino lost Mayfair and Park Lane to Bill and won a new friend, the two men forming a bond where previously existed common civility.
  9. They began the rough jaunt down the potholed lane.
  10. We reach the turn off for Guatiza as an oncoming car screams towards us, swerving into our lane to overtake a white hatchback.