English to amharic meaning of

የማይዋረድ የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሙ፡እፍረትን ወይም ውርደትን የሚያስከትል ነው፤ አሳፋሪያለ ክብርና ክብር; ታዋቂ ወይም ያልተከበረክብር ወይም ምስጋና አያመጣም

Sentence Examples

  1. I can only detail the sensory impressions, and the ultimate results, of what lifted me from the temple and rescued me from an inglorious death.
  2. The flood of fight ebbed down in him, and, releasing his prey, he turned tail and scampered on across the open in inglorious retreat.
  3. And White Fang, resurrecting quite a deal of the old awe, seemed to wilt and to shrink in upon himself and grow small, as he cast about in his mind for a way to beat a retreat not too inglorious.