English to amharic meaning of

የቃሉ መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉም እንደሚከተለው ነው። እንከን የለሽ ወይም እንከን የለሽ መንገድ; ፍጹም። ምሳሌ ዓረፍተ ነገር፡ ለመደበኛው ዝግጅት እንከን የለሽ ለብሳለች። ያለ ነቀፋ. ምሳሌ ዓረፍተ ነገር፡ በፈተና ፊት እንከን የለሽ እርምጃ ወስዷል። ምሳሌ ዓረፍተ ነገር፡- ሼፍ ምግቡን ያለምንም እንከንየለሽ ያዘጋጀው፣ እያንዳንዱን ንጥረ ነገር ወደ ፍፁምነት በማዘጋጀት ነው። የማይነቀፍ። ምሳሌ ዓረፍተ ነገር፡- አትሌቱ በውድድሩ ላይ እንከን የለሽ በሆነ መንገድ በማሳየቱ ከዳኞች ከፍተኛ አድናቆትን አግኝቷል። p >

Sentence Examples

  1. Eliza was sitting on the side of her bed when Anne arrived and as usual she was impeccably dressed.
  2. As always, she was dressed impeccably, in a tight-fitting, one-piece pink outfit, with frills ruffling out from her waist, a style in vogue with famous music celebrities.
  3. He had silky white-blond hair, the strands dangling over his pale grey eyes, and his skin was pale gold, his torso and stomach impeccably defined.
  4. Impeccably dressed in a grey double-breasted suit, white shirt, silk tie and black shoes so shiny they almost sparkled, the young man pulled a silver cigarette case out of his pocket.
  5. Dejected, Jenny set down the papers on her impeccably ordered desk and turned back to the class.
  6. Standing on the porch was an impeccably dressed, slightly older, middle-aged African-American gentleman.
  7. The Asian man was handsome, tall, lean, and dressed impeccably.
  8. Impeccably dressed in a white shirt, blue blazer and grey slacks, he obviously took great care with his appearance.
  9. His facial hair was trimmed impeccably it appeared as if it, too, were just a decoration for the handsome man underneath.
  10. The Great Leader was attired in an impeccably pressed charcoal uniform just like his.