English to amharic meaning of

የ"haunt" የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሙ፡-(ግሥ) እንደ መንፈስ ወይም መንፈስ መጎብኘት ወይም መኖር(ግሥ) ያለማቋረጥ መታየት ማለት ነው። የአንድን ሰው ሃሳቦች ወይም ህልሞች ጭንቀትን ወይም ጭንቀትን ያስከትላል ስም) በመንፈስ ወይም በመንፈስ የሚዘወተሩበት ቦታ፣ ወይም በአንድ የተወሰነ ምክንያት ብዙ ጊዜ የሚጎበኘው ቦታ።


  1. frequent

Sentence Examples

  1. Oh, ye rural deities, whoever ye be that haunt this lone spot, give ear to the complaint of a wretched lover whom long absence and brooding jealousy have driven to bewail his fate among these wilds and complain of the hard heart of that fair and ungrateful one, the end and limit of all human beauty!
  2. Lily makes an almost deadly mistake, and Jake has a mysterious past that has come back to haunt him.
  3. And this same arid soil hath ever been A haunt of countless mournful memories, As well in our day as in days of yore.
  4. Actually, no more than slits cut into the shield wall due to the occasional rumbling of the earth which infrequently come to haunt the high country.
  5. Watching Barker catch a bullet was something that would always haunt me.
  6. Harry also realised something else that might come back to haunt him.
  7. Skulking through the city streets alone at night was dangerous, she knew that, particularly in the sections of town she preferred to haunt.
  8. Mary and her soft kisses haunt me, yet I feel desperate to finish on time.
  9. I wanted to look at some of the old places I used to haunt.
  10. The Green Man was a regular haunt for the downtrodden and world weary.