English to amharic meaning of

እንደ መዝገበ ቃላት ገለጻ፣ "ጸጉር" የሚለው ቃል ብዙ ትርጉሞች አሉት፡ስም፡- ቀጭን ብረት ወይም ሌላ ነገር በራሱ ላይ ወደ ኋላ ቀርቦ የ U ወይም V ቅርጽ ይሠራል፣ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል። ፀጉሯን በቦቷ እንድትይዝ፣በተለይም በፀጉር አሠራር እንደ ቡን ወይም ቺኖን በመሳሰሉትምሳሌ ዓረፍተ ነገር፡ ፀጉሯን በቦታው ለማቆየት በፀጉር ማያያዣ ጠብቃለች። ol start="2">ስም፡- በመንገድ ወይም መንገድ ላይ ያለ የ U ቅርጽ ያለው መታጠፊያ ወይም ጥምዝ፣በተለምዶ በተራራማ አካባቢዎች ተሽከርካሪዎች በጥንቃቄ አቅጣጫ እንዲቀይሩ ለማስቻል።ምሳሌ ዓረፍተ ነገር፡ መኪናው መንሸራተትን ለማስቀረት የፀጉሩን መታጠፊያ በጥንቃቄ ዳሰሰ። /li>ምሳሌ ዓረፍተ ነገር፡ መንገዱ በፀጉር መዞር የተሞላ ነበር፣ ይህም አሽከርካሪው ፈታኝ እንዲሆን አድርጎታል። አቅጣጫ ድንገት። የተጠቀመበት አውድ።

Sentence Examples

  1. Even as groggy as I was, the lock posed little problem for me and I snapped it open after a few seconds of playing around with a hairpin.
  2. I pull over in a lay by to let them pass and meet the stragglers on the next hairpin.
  3. After that I constantly found myself drawn to anything that had a lock or was particularly stuck, and always found that, with a little effort and my hairpin, I could manage to get the object in question open.
  4. As the car hurtles towards the hairpin at the edge of the plateau, I have to resist gripping my seat.
  5. As I approach the sweeping hairpin at the village edge, a party of cyclists, taking up the whole road, pant their way towards me.
  6. Shirley lunges into the bend, the car leaning hard to the left, and once through, she storms down the straight descent towards the sweeping hairpin at the bottom.
  7. On the map there were several hairpin turns the bus would need to negotiate and he chose one with proximity and forest cover.