English to amharic meaning of

“ነጻነት” ማለት እንደ ነፃ የመሆን ጥራት ወይም ሁኔታ ይገለጻል፣ ለምሳሌ፡- ከባርነት ወይም ከመገደብ ወይም ከሌላ ሰው ሥልጣን ነፃ መውጣትከከባድ ነገር ነፃ የመሆን ወይም የመለቀቅ ጥራት ወይም ሁኔታቀላል ወይም የመንቀሳቀስ ወይም የተግባር አገልግሎት > ግልጽ፣ ግልጽ ወይም ግልጽ የመሆን ጥራትያልተገደበ አጠቃቀምደፋር እና በራስ የመተማመን ጥራት

Sentence Examples

  1. A moment of wavering uncertainty robbed Geoffrey of his freedom.
  2. The door to freedom finally opened and a wail of relief surged through the people like a wave.
  3. Murdock enjoyed giving people the freedom to look at their surroundings even as he froze their limbs in place.
  4. Although she was currently allowed her freedom, she knew her mail was intercepted and that spies had infiltrated the ranks of her household.
  5. Two hours of undivided attention and I took her through to the second living area at the back of the first and turned on the cartoons hoping for freedom, but Gloria insisted I sit with her.
  6. Her first breath of night air tasted like freedom, and she sucked it in, inhaling until her lungs could hold no more.
  7. Her freedom of movement was more restricted in such clothing, and she had to take care not to allow her overlarge sleeves to catch on something, but she would have to make do.
  8. Not all of us have the freedom to come and go or choose what projects we work on.
  9. Moving immediately after graduation had been more about strategy than freedom.
  10. Ducking past him, I made a beeline for freedom, sidling past customers and down a short hallway to the back door.