English to amharic meaning of

እንደ ግስ፣ “ፎርጅ” ብዙ ትርጉሞች ሊኖሩት ይችላል፡- (የብረት ነገርን) መሥራት ወይም መቅረጽ በእሳት ወይም በምድጃ ውስጥ በማሞቅ እና በመምታት ወይም በመዶሻ ወደ ተፈለገው ቅጽ ቋሚ ወይም የተወሰነ ዓላማ ያለው፣ በተለይም ችግሮች ቢኖሩባቸውም። የተጭበረበረ ወይም የውሸት ሰነድ ወይም ዕቃ ለማምረት። p>እንደ ስም፣ “ፎርጅ” የሚከተሉትን ሊያመለክት ይችላል፡ ብረትን ለማሞቅ የሚያገለግል እቶን ወይም ምድጃ። ብረት የሚሞቅበት እና በእጅ የሚቀረጽበት አውደ ጥናት። /li>የተጭበረበረ ወይም የውሸት ሰነድ ወይም ዕቃ።

Sentence Examples

  1. Slowly, so slowly that I thought I was seeing things, the figure of the Forge rose from the throne.
  2. He even did all his work with an old fashioned stone forge, while the few other metal workers who did business there used more conventional means.
  3. Gypsies can forge bonds with people so quickly that we can learn secrets about them they never knew they had.
  4. Over time I began feeling a bizarre sensation coming from Uraj whenever he controlled that forge fire and was determined to see if I could do so as well.
  5. Then first sign of this came from his unnatural control of the forge fire.
  6. Uraj Kuznetsov, the Old King, the Forge, had been revived.
  7. One is Lord Uraj Kuznetsov, also known as the Forge.
  8. The Forge shrugged and took his seat on the throne again, arms curling around their rests.
  9. I have come to forge a relationship with your pack.
  10. Once we were able to establish a reliable source of water, we turned our attentions to the strange power Uraj had been exhibiting with his forge.