English to amharic meaning of

የ‹‹ትክክለኛ›› የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ-ቃላት ፍቺ በእያንዳንዱ ዝርዝር ወይም መለኪያ ትክክለኛ፣ ትክክለኛ ወይም ትክክለኛ መሆን ነው። እንዲሁም አንድን ነገር በትክክል ወይም በትክክል እንዲደረግ መጠየቅ ወይም መጠየቅ ወይም በአንድ ሰው ስራ ወይም ድርጊት ውስጥ በጣም ጠንቃቃ እና ጠለቅ ያለ መሆን ማለት ሊሆን ይችላል። እንደ ቅጽል፣ ምንም ዓይነት ልዩነት ወይም ስህተት ሳይኖር በሁሉም ዝርዝር ወይም መለኪያ ትክክለኛ፣ ትክክለኛ ወይም ትክክለኛ የሆነን ነገር ይገልጻል።


  1. demand

Sentence Examples

  1. I needed to quit, but I was close to getting my name on the credits for a full season, and this would be the exact bonus to staking a claim to my own show in the future.
  2. He was the most deliberate person in the world, yet always reached his destination at the exact moment.
  3. According to his journal, he was due at Calcutta on the 25th of October, and that was the exact date of his actual arrival.
  4. He was so exact that he was never in a hurry, was always ready, and was economical alike of his steps and his motions.
  5. But at that exact moment something crashed through the forest in the distance.
  6. The brigadier-general was free to mentally confess that, of all the eccentric persons he had ever met, none was comparable to this product of the exact sciences.
  7. How was it that a man so exact and fastidious could have made this error of a day?
  8. The door banged shut at the exact moment one of the men peered down the stairwell to find Guy dead at the bottom.
  9. Three policemen actually ran up Shannon Street at that exact moment and saw the tail-end of the incident at the filling station.
  10. But because you did not know who I was, I will not exact that punishment.