English to amharic meaning of

የ‹‹አጽንኦት›› የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ-ቃላት ትርጉም አንድን ነገር በጠንካራ እና በኃይል ማጉላት ነው፣ ብዙ ጊዜ ግልጽ ወይም ቁርጥ ያለ ቋንቋ ወይም ተግባር በመጠቀም እምነትን ወይም አጽንዖት ለመስጠት። እንዲሁም በከፍተኛ ጥንካሬ እና እምነት የሚናገር ወይም የሚሠራን ሰው ሊያመለክት ይችላል, ሐሳቡን ግልጽ እና በራስ የመተማመን መንፈስ ያቀርባል.


  1. emphasised
  2. emphasized

Sentence Examples

  1. It stood to its full height, craning its neck so that its eyes could regard him above its stubby snout, the elaborate horns that jut from out of its forehead coalescing into one emphatic promontory of steely bone.
  2. Funny how most people obey emphatic, familiar signals, he thought.
  3. Markis held up his left index finger to his lips in an emphatic gesture for silence.
  4. Confronted by a barrage of emphatic hollering, we come to a halt at the first table, Shirley standing, feet apart, arms behind her back, one hand gripping her paper bag.