English to amharic meaning of

የ‹አፈር ማምረቻ ዕቃዎች› የሚለው ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ትርጉሙ፡- ከሸክላ የተሠሩ ሸክላዎች በአንጻራዊ ዝቅተኛ የሙቀት መጠን፣ በተለይም ቀይ-ቡናማ ቀለም ያላቸው እና ባለ ቀዳዳ ናቸው።

Sentence Examples

  1. In an adjoining room Andrea saw also a tolerably clean table prepared for two, two bottles of wine sealed, the one with green, the other with yellow, a supply of brandy in a decanter, and a measure of fruit in a cabbage-leaf, cleverly arranged on an earthenware plate.
  2. I looked past him to the table, and saw a pile of slightly burnt toast resting on a chipped earthenware plate.
  3. I found my answer in the terracotta pots, old-country china plates, and odd pieces of earthenware that decorated the wooden beams along the walls.
  4. Jack pushed the tray away and poured two good measures of wine from the jug, holding one of the brown earthenware cups out to Catherine.
  5. It was low, and he ducked through it, finding Jamie on the other side already setting two wooden cups on a table next to an earthenware jar with a leather stopper.