English to amharic meaning of

የማግባባት መዝገበ-ቃላት ፍቺው፡(ስም)የክርክር ስምምነት ወይም እልባት እያንዳዱ ወገኖች ስምምነት ሲያደርጉከሚፈለገው በታች የሆኑትን ደረጃዎች መቀበልበሁለት ተቃራኒ ቦታዎች መካከል ያለው መካከለኛ ኮርስ እርስ በርስ በመስማማት አለመግባባቶችን ለመፍታትከሚፈለገው በታች የሆኑትን ደረጃዎች መቀበልደካማ ወይም ጉዳት (አንድ ነገር) ከሚፈለገው ያነሰ ደረጃዎችን በመቀበልበአጠቃላይ፣ ስምምነት ማለት ሁለት ወይም ከዚያ በላይ ወገኖች ስምምነት የሚያደርጉበት ወይም አለመግባባቶችን ወይም ግጭቶችን ለመፍታት መካከለኛ መንገድ የሚያገኙበትን ሁኔታ ያመለክታል። እንዲሁም አንድ ሰው ወይም ቡድን ውሳኔ ላይ ለመድረስ ከሚፈልጉት ወይም ከሚገባው ያነሰ የሚቀበልበትን ሁኔታ ሊያመለክት ይችላል።

Sentence Examples

  1. She preferred to have her hair loose, so this made a good compromise and meant she could have a pretty clip too.
  2. My heart inclines me to speak to you you compromise me by a reception almost uncivil you are wrong, monsieur and you confound your friends with enemies.
  3. These hardened men, with their faces hidden by the mandatory respirators, would accept no compromise in the order they demanded.
  4. At last there was Waterloo, and Morrel came no more he had done all that was in his power, and any fresh attempt would only compromise himself uselessly.
  5. This provided him with leverage, should she do anything that might compromise his position.
  6. I compromise with a coke and a small bag of chips.
  7. With this compromise, the governor was in a situation to be satisfied with a garrison of eight men to guard his fortress, in which twelve cannons accumulated coats of moldy green.
  8. Although we were used to having our own sleeping space in a queen-sized bed at home, compressing ourselves together in a double bed under a sheet, a blanket, the bed cover, and a quilt seemed a reasonable compromise to keep warm.
  9. Cam looked at his father and Dow and saw no compromise.
  10. The merchants finding that the Dey knew all, and fearing that Cervantes under torture might make disclosures that would imperil their own lives, tried to persuade him to slip away on board a vessel that was on the point of sailing for Spain but he told them they had nothing to fear, for no tortures would make him compromise anybody, and he went at once and gave himself up to the Dey.